
SCE: Next-generation portable entertainment system “PlayStation Vita” and launch title



SCE: Next-generation portable entertainment system “PlayStation Vita” and launch title

(Image: SCE press release) (C) 2011 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.

Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. is going to release “PlayStation Vita” (hereafter Vita), the next-generation portable entertainment system realizing innovative amusement, gradually from the end of 2011.

Codename NGP (Next Generation Portable), the successor of the portable game console PSP, has been revealed at last. There are two models: Wi-Fi Model (24,980 Yen/ 249 US Dollar/ 249 Euro) and 3G/Wi-Fi Model capable with mobile network communication system (29,980 Yen/ 299 US Dollar/ 299 Euro).

Vita means “Life” in Latin. It equips 5 inch organic electroluminescent display capable with multi-touch and on its back multi-touch pad; players can use them together to enjoy feeling 3D by “touch, grab, trace, push and pull” in a game.

In addition to details about Vita, it is interesting what kind of games will be released in the future. From SCE, “GRAVITY DAZE”, “Little Deviants”, “Uncharted”, “Minna-no Golf (Hot Shots Golf) NEXT”, “Reality Fighter”, “Hustler King”, “ModNation”, “WipEout”, “Star Strike” and so on seem to be released. But another company’s launch star has stood as a candidate.

“Ridge Racer” (tentative name) Is Now Under Development
(Image: Namco Bandai Games press release) (C) NBGI

Namco Bandai Games Inc. announced “Ridge Racer” (tentative name) for Vita is now under development.

“Ridge Racer” series is numbered among the launch titles (game software released on the release date of a game console); it has undertaken important responsibilities like an opening-game pitcher of baseball, who is required to win a victory.

“Ridge Racer” Series’ History of Launch
PlayStation (1994 December 3)
Ridge Racer (Namco)

PlayStation2 (2000 May 4)
Ridge Racer V (Namco)

PlayStation Portable (2004 December 12)
Ridge Racers (Namco)

Xbox360 (2005 December 10)
Ridge Racer 6 (Namco)

PlayStation 3 (2006 November 11)
Ridge Racer 7 (Namco Bandai Games)

Nintendo 3DS (2011 February 26)
Ridge Racer 3D

(* Release date is written in parentheses)

Its release season has not been revealed yet; will it take on the prominent role as a launch title? It is sure many game fans are looking forward to the year-end.

Editorial Staff: Narumi Sato


Original article (Japanese): Daily Terrafor

SCE press release (English)

Namco Bandai Games press release (Japanese, PDF)

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